Each year, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) recognizes municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) for outstanding wastewater operations. Minnesota has over 1600 municipal and industrial wastewater facilities. Out of a total of 767 facilities from communities of all sizes, 253 qualified for outstanding operations recognition in 2023. Nine of these Minnesota communities are small cities served by Bollig Engineering!
Bollig Engineering is proud to have several clients being recognized by the MPCA for excellence in Wastewater Operations:

- Brooten WWTP – Stearns County – Read about the City of Brooten’s other projects
- Delhi WWTP – Redwood County
- Lake Lillian WWTP – Kandiyohi County (Pictured)
- Lamberton WWTP – Redwood County
- McGregor WWTP – Aitkin County
- Pemberton WWTP – Blue Earth County
- Porter WWTP – Yellow Medicine County
- Russell WWTP- Lyon County (Pictured) – Read about the City of Russell’s Water Tower project
- Ruthton WWTP – Pipestone County
“You would be hard-pressed to find anyone more invested to the success of a community than its public works staff,” said Scott Kuhlman, Vice President of Technical Operations at Bollig Engineering. “These hard-working men and women are often on-call around the clock, skillfully managing the largest, most consequential assets in a community. They protect public health and the natural environment, while often asked to do so with limited budgets and resources. We are honored to work with such dedicated individuals on a daily basis.”
To receive this recognition, facilities must demonstrate consistent compliance with monitoring, operations, and maintenance requirements, submit accurate, on-time reports to the MPCA, and employ staff certified by MPCA in wastewater operations.
Bollig Engineering would like to congratulate these communities as well as the others on the list for the efforts they have put forth to protecting water quality for their respective communities.
Top Photo: The City of Russell utilizes a three-cell pond system consisting of two Primary Cells and a Secondary Cell for their waste water treatment system.