Category: Neighbors Serving Neighbors
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Meet the Bollig Staff: Neighbors Serving Neighbors, Part 1

At Bollig Engineering, we live our purpose of being “Neighbors serving Neighbors”.  We aim to strengthen , preserve, and transform the future and quality of life in our communities that we work and live in.  Our employees are an integral part of the small cities and towns they live in and serve and we’re dedicated to enhancing the fabric of these communities in every way possible. Here are some of our employees who are implementing our mission into their daily lives.Kindra Calrson, Funding Specialist at Bollig Engineering

Kindra Carlson – Client Services/Funding Specialist

“Growing up, my parents’ involvement in church and community organizations served as a strong example of the importance of community and connectedness. That’s carried over into my adult life and with my own family. We are very active in our local church and heavily involved in Kandiyohi County 4-H and with Willmar School activities. I’ve also served at the local and state levels in ag and dairy-related organizations with missions to lead and promote agriculture.”

Pictured: Kindra Carlson is a church member and council member at her local church and volunteered to help with the “Trunk or Treat” for the community kids.


Laura Ostlie – Funding Program ManagerLaura Ostlie, Funding Program Manager at Bollig Engineering

“Growing up, my parents instilled in me the importance of community.  Watching them serve on the local township board, church council, rural first responder crew, cooperative boards, etc., laid the groundwork to why I value contributing to my community.  I have multiple years of volunteering as a 4-H adult leader, coaching youth sports, teaching Sunday School, and currently I am serving on several community boards such as the Benson Area Community Foundation, Swift County Rural Development Authority, church council, Swift County 4-H Advisory Board, and the Benson Community Education Advisory Board.”

Pictured: Laura Ostlie working with some kids on a 4-H project.


Don Broberg, Construction Services Manager at Bollig EngineeringDon Broberg – Construction Services Manager

“All my life I’ve been involved in church activities in both leadership positions and in areas of community involvement. As a member of First covenant Church in Willmar, leading music in worship for the last 30 years has been a privilege and joy. I have also had the honor of leading Boys in the Scouting program for nearly 20 years and am proud of the 10 plus Eagles from our troop. Earlier in my life, sports coaching was important as my own children were busy growing up. As a parent I also participated in fundraising for music events and mission trips for youth in many different churches, food shelf collections, and more. I have also returned to giving blood after nearly 20 years”

Pictured: Don at a Bollig work site. Click here to continue reading Don’s story.


Angela Olson – Aviation PlannerAngela Olson, Aviation Planner at Bollig Engineering

Angela is a part of many organizations outside of work including St. Cloud Regional Airport Authority, Experimental Aircraft Association, Ruby’s Pantry, and The Learning Jets. Angela’s passion for small cities is clear, “I love helping small towns succeed because I believe they are truly the heart and soul of greater Minnesota. People living in the small towns we work with are so authentic and genuinely thankful for the engineering services and funding support we provide.”

Pictured: Angela Olson at Eagle County Regional Airport (EGE) in Vail, Colorado.

Want to Chat with our Team? Reach out!

Bollig Engineering is proud of our staff’s accomplishments in helping small cities find infrastructure solutions and giving back to their communities with their time and talents. If you want to learn more about our team and how we can help your small city,  reach out to the Bollig team online or call  (320) 235-2555.

Want to read more about our team? Check out Meet the Bollig Staff: Neighbors Serving Neighbors Part 2.
