Hector Municipal Airport

The City of Hector, MN needed an economical maintenance treatment to prolong the life of the existing apron and runway pavement. Bollig investigated possible solutions and determined that a crack seal and slurry seal treatment was the best option to meet the airport’s needs and economic constraints.

Hector Airport’s Master Plan

Recognizing the need to plan ahead to ensure the airport’s ongoing success and safety, the Hector City Council embarked on their airport’s first Master Plan together with Bollig Engineering. Hector’s unique plan incorporates innovative features and careful planning and improvements without disrupting other crucial airport functions. Click here for more detailed information about Hector Municipal Airport’s Master Plan and ongoing developments.

Snow Removal Equipment Acquisition

Hector’s snow removal equipment, at the end of its useful life, needed to be replaced.  The City partnered with Bollig to help them procure equipment that would need their service needs but also comply with FAA’s Buy American regulations, requiring certification that the products were made in the USA.  Bollig’s procurement process allowed the City to meet all requirements and get their equipment in time for winter snow-clearing operations.

History of the Hector Airport

Minnesota Flyer Magazine featured the Hector Municipal Airport as Airport of the Month in August 2023. As the Minnesota Flyer article states, the Hector Municipal Airport consisted of two turf runways in 1949. Fast forward to 1966, and the primary runway was not only paved but also equipped with lighting, stretching to an impressive 2800 feet. The second runway, a charming 2400-foot stretch of turf, maintained its allure, but its geometry raised concerns over time. Today, with 26 aircraft calling Hector home and a waiting list for hangar space, there is a need for increasing capacity.

The Hector Lions Club holds a popular Fly-In Breakfast at the Hector Municipal Airport annually on the third Sunday in September.  Bollig staff members are regular attendees and often prepare displays informing the public about projects coming up at the airport.


Hector, MN



Key Projects

  • Runway, Taxiway & Apron Rehabilitation
  • Airport Master Plan & Airport Layout Plan
  • Snow Removal Equipment Acquisition

Project Time Frame

testimonials and reviews Bollig Engineering

Gina Schellenberg

Public Works & Airport Manager,
City of Hector

“Bollig is a great Engineering firm to work with.  They have been a great help on our Airport reconstruction and are always willing to help in any way that they can.”
