
Well Replacement and Other Infrastructure Improvements

Beginning in 2018, the Farwell-Kensington Sanitary Sewer District worked with Bollig Engineering on a preliminary engineering report to assess and recommend solutions to other water issues within the City. Bollig’s recommendations included a new water tower, water treatment plant upgrades, a new well, and approximately 2,000 feet of new watermain. The City’s well was problematic and known for having foreign debris lodged in the flow meter, resulting in frequently plugged pipes, decreased water pressure, and increased operation and maintenance costs. Once the project received funding from USDA Rural Development loans and grants and Public Facilities Authority funds, Bollig worked with the Minnesota Department of Health and Minnesota Department of Natural Resources on construction of a new well drilled in proximity of the existing well. After design and necessary regulatory approvals, a local well drilling company was secured as the contractor resulting in an 8-inch diameter, 236-foot deep well.



Kensington, MN



Key Elements

  • Strategic Planning
  • Funding Acquisition
  • Agency Coordination
  • MDH Compliance

Projects Costs and Funding

  • $2.69 Million Project Costs
  • 87% Funded by Grants
  • 4 Funding Sources