Elbow Lake Airport

The Elbow Lake Municipal Airport serves the local community and is also home to a growing Fixed Base Operator (FBO) business with significant economic impact and growth potential. In 2015, Elbow Lake partnered with Bollig Engineering to make improvements and address pressing concerns.

In our role as the Airport Engineer for the City of Elbow Lake, Bollig staff have been instrumental in funding, design, and construction management and oversight for Elbow Lake’s new Public Aircraft Storage Hangar. Additional projects for Elbow Lake Municipal Airport include relocating their Automated Weather Observation System (AWOS) and Airport Lighting and Electrical systems along with developing their Airport Master Plan.

Multi-Aircraft Storage Hangar

With increasing demand for aircraft storage, Elbow Lake needed an economical hangar that would meet MnDOT and FAA requirements. Bollig secured grants, designed, and administrated construction of a 120’ x 120’ box hangar to be leased by individuals for short- or long-term storage of aircraft.

The hangar features a hydraulic door, in-floor heating, and supplemental natural light, as well as high-efficiency lighting and a complete insulation system to reduce operating costs. Constructed in 2016, the building has been used to capacity since its opening.

FBO Building Expansion: Funding Success 

Elbow Lake’s FBO business was growing and in need of more space, and there was no funding readily available for the project. With help from Bollig’s funding team, Elbow Lake Airport was awarded one of only three Airport Infrastructure Renewal (AIR) grants offered in Minnesota in 2020. This grant funding was paired with State and FAA Airport Improvement Program funding to make the project a reality. With funding secured, Bollig designed the building expansion to meet the needs of the FBO and airport, as well as FAA and building code requirements. The building expansion is currently underway, with the FBO adding new employees, continuing toward its goal of 425% growth, and making a measurable impact on the local economy.

Apron Security Fence 

During the Master Plan process, deficiencies in apron circulation and object free areas were identified, as well as the need for an improved connection between the apron and runway to provide access while enhancing pilot situational awareness when operating at Y63. Bollig worked with the airport to design and install new gates and fencing to meet licensing requirements and improve airport security for all who use it, while meeting the control and security needs of the airport staff.

Apron Reconfiguration and Taxiway Alpha Construction

During the Master Plan process, deficiencies in apron circulation and object free areas were identified as well as the need for an improved connection between the apron and runway to provide direct access to the runway without enhancing pilot situational awareness when operating at Y63. The Apron Reconfiguration and Taxiway Alpha Construction project addresses both pressing safety needs with solutions developed during the master plan and airport layout plan analysis stage.

Our team of professionals work closely with City staff and government agencies to leverage current facilities and future improvements. Our commitment extends to facilitating the educational process by leading stakeholder and public outreach meetings, providing clear and accurate information, and supporting our clients’ efforts for growth and development. For example, our Aviation Team helped sponsor the Elbow Lake Air Show, providing a display of their current hangar project and answering airport development questions from the public who attended.

Learn more about Pride of the Prairie Airport in this Minnesota Flyer article, or follow the Prairie Air Facebook page.


Elbow Lake, MN



Key Elements

  • Airport Master Plan & Airport Layout Plan
  • Multi-Aircraft Storage Hangar
  • Airport and Heliport Zoning
  • FBO Building Expansion
  • A/D Building Improvements & Security Fence
  • Automated Weather Observation (AWOS) Relocation
  • Airport Electrical Systems Relocation
  • Apron Reconfiguration and Taxiway Alpha Construction

Project Time Frame

Asset 1

Jeff Holsen

City Administrator,
Elbow Lake MN

“We selected Bollig as our Airport Engineer because of the high level of attention and responsiveness that we felt they would provide. The Bollig team has exceeded our expectations in providing exceptional client service and they have proven themselves to be a trusted partner for advancing the goals of our community.”

Asset 1

Paul Brutlag

Chairman, Pride of the Prairie Airport,
Elbow Lake MN

“The Bollig understanding of the purpose, use, value, and operation of even small and medium size airports helps provide these Airport Governing Boards with the enhanced ability to make well founded, credible airport decisions. Further, Bollig experience and expertise provides for unique consulting and supportive advice, along with their established functional working relationship with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) in meeting regulatory, financial, and funding requirements that are needed by our airports to sustain their current and future valued operations.”


Joe LaRue

Airport Manager,
Prairie Air Inc., Elbow Lake, MN

“The Bollig Team has been engaged since day one and has made a ‘night and day’ difference in putting our projects on a fast track.”
