Like many rural communities, the age and condition of Sacred Heart’s utility systems were causing significant problems. The majority of Sacred Heart’s utility system, including a deteriorated sewer system, was more than 80 years old and failing. A major overhaul of the City’s drinking water, wastewater, and storm water systems was needed to stop emergency utility repairs, MPCA violations, structural deficiencies, street flooding, and so much more.
Long-Term Planning for Sacred Heart
When Bollig staff began planning efforts with Sacred Heart leaders in 2011, it became apparent that nearly all underground utility infrastructure required replacement. Clay sewers and cast iron watermains had passed their useful lifespans and were causing numerous issues. City streets had deteriorated and flooded with each rainfall. The City needed a comprehensive planning effort to address each issue as well as assistance with securing the funding needed to address all their infrastructure issues.
Phase 1
Once the Sacred Heart’s initial needs were identified, it was clear that a multi-phased project approach would be the best option. Bollig and the City worked together to develop a plan to divide the work into manageable projects, with three initial construction contracts to address their most immediate needs. In 2014, Phase 1 funding was secured for the following projects.
Key Projects:
- Infrastructure Improvements Project
- Prioritized portion of water, sewer, and storm utilities replacement
- 29 blocks of Street Reconstruction
- Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Project
- Replaced the failing trickling filter with new trickling filter
- Added chemical phosphorus treatment and dechlorination
- Replaced influent lift station
- Water Meter Replacement Project
- Replaced all meters with remote read technology
- Added valves on plumbing for City maintenance
Phase 2
With much work completed in Phase 1, the City of Sacred Heart sought to complete the project they had embarked on. In 2017, funding for Phase 2 was secured. This phase began construction where the previous project left off. While constructing in Phase 1, it was discovered that the Imhoff Tank at the Wastewater Treatment Plant suffered from intrusion of hydrogen sulfide. It was left in a precarious state from a previous construction project by others before Bollig became the City Engineer. A replacement of that structure with a new Primary Clarifier was planned. During Phase 2, necessary infrastructure upgrades were completed and allowed for the City to be able to manage long-term. Construction began in 2018 with the following projects.
Key Projects:
- Priority 2 Infrastructure Improvements
- Additional water, sewer, and storm utilities replacement
- Street reconstruction, mill and overlay
- Installed backwash tank at drinking water treatment plant
- Priority 2 Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements
- Replaced Imhoff Tank with primary clarifier
- Rebuilt sludge storage tank
- Community Center ADA Improvements
- Renovated bathrooms for ADA standards
- Installed new ADA entry doors
Phase 3 – In Progress
At the end of Phase 2, the City of Sacred Heart had addressed all their underground utility and street needs and brought the Wastewater Treatment Plant into compliance. I & I has been drastically reduced, and operations have been simplified. Since the original planning was conducted, other infrastructure had aged to a point of needing to be addressed, and new federal regulations prompted additional Infrastructure needs. The City’s water tower is in good shape, but its coatings are nearing the end of their useful life. At the same time as recoating, the City plans to bring the water tower into compliance with modern safety standards. The City currently utilizes centralized ion exchange softening, and will need to replace the softeners to bring the City into compliance with wastewater chloride standards. The City of Sacred Heart is working to obtain Legislative Bonding to leverage the Federal and City funding proposed to complete this project.
Key Projects:
- MnDOT Utility Adjustments: In conjunction with MnDOT’s reconstruction of Hwy 212 through Sacred Heart, the City needed to adjust the location of the water and sewer services throughout the corridor to enable construction of a new MnDOT storm sewer system.
- Drinking Water: A new Reverse Osmosis softening system will be installed on the existing Water Treatment Plant (WTP) that will remove the existing ion exchange softening system and its wastewater chlorides.
- Wastewater Storage: A second 90,000-gallon sludge tank will accommodate the City’s projected sludge generation with the addition of the Reverse Osmosis treatment system.
- Water Storage: The water tower, originally moved and reassembled in Sacred Heart in 1965, will be rehabilitated to meet OSHA standards including installing coatings compliant with current drinking water standards.
Funding Success:
In 2011, the City of Sacred Heart began working with Bollig Engineering to secure funding for its citywide infrastructure improvements, starting with the first of three phases. In aggregate, the city’s utility improvement projects have totaled $19.2 million. Phases 1 and 2 were completed with 56% grant funding from USDA Rural Development, MN Public Facilities Authority Water (PFA) Infrastructure Funding, and MN DEED Small Cities Development Program Grant. Phase 3 hopes to secure $7.5 million through MN PFA Point Source Implementation Grant (PSIG) and an additional MN DEED Small Cities Development Program (SCDP) Grant. Active grant applications are already in process for the remaining $5.7 million in funding needed to complete Sacred Heart’s infrastructure project.
Learn more about the City of Sacred Heart on the city’s website or Facebook Page.