City of Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart Project

Like many rural communities, the age and condition of Sacred Heart’s utility systems were causing significant problems. The majority of Sacred Heart’s utility system, including a deteriorated sewer system, was more than 80 years old and failing.  A major overhaul of the City’s drinking water, wastewater, and storm water systems was needed to stop emergency […]

City of Raymond

Raymond MN Construction Project - Bollig Engineering

Infrastructure Improvements The City of Raymond needed to replace two leaking wastewater ponds, and securing additional funding was crucial to make the project affordable for the City. Bollig Engineering worked with the City to complete construction of three new treatment ponds, in addition to replacing the existing lift station pumps and constructing a new lift […]

City of Wood Lake

Wood Lake Water Tower

New Wells & Other Infrastructure Improvements (Phases 1 and 2) The City of Wood Lake was faced with an existing municipal well that was deteriorating, failing, and pumping significant amounts of sand into the drinking water system through holes in the casing. This required public works staff to reduce water flow to reduce the sand […]


Kensington Water Tower

Well Replacement and Other Infrastructure Improvements Beginning in 2018, the Farwell-Kensington Sanitary Sewer District worked with Bollig Engineering on a preliminary engineering report to assess and recommend solutions to other water issues within the City. Bollig’s recommendations included a new water tower, water treatment plant upgrades, a new well, and approximately 2,000 feet of new […]

City of DeGraff

DeGraff Project

Sewer System Construction The City of DeGraff lacked sanitary sewer infrastructure and instead had a network of privately owned and mostly noncompliant individual sewage treatment systems (ISTS). This precarious situation caused illegal discharge of untreated and inadequately treated sewage, and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) issued a violation requiring the City to take action […]

Karlstad Municipal Airport

Karlstad Airport Map

The community of Karlstad, MN saw potential to serve recreational and business users in the area, enabling their local economy to grow. The existing airport could not support the necessary aircraft operations, so Karlstad partnered with Bollig to move their vision forward. Bollig Engineering worked with the airport, residents, and local businesses to make the […]
